Friday, March 13, 2009


While not studying for midterms I came up with a host of great mix themes. Here are some of titles I kicked around: Songs That Will Offend My Friends; Songs Involving Guns, Drugs and Coffee; and Songs That’ll Make You Frisky. I made prototypes of said mixes, but had to scrap them because the blog music player didn’t have my music as part of their catalog. Sad panda.

Today’s mix is a mix of convenience. You’re listening to some of my recently uploaded iPod songs—the songs that are available on my blog player and don’t sound like crap being played back-to-back.

1. The Next Time Around—Little Joy

Parts of these lyrics are in Portuguese. I tried to have them translated, but they still don’t make sense to me. I’m not even sure if Little Joy knows what’s being said. I’m sympathetic to the issue because I’m bilingual and have trouble translating my Wingdings thoughts into coherent English sentences.

2. I Can Help—Billy Swan

Billy is offering to be a baby daddy substitute. There is something very unsettling about hearing that offer in a song. I wonder if he was trying to carve his niche in the unwed mothers market of the 1970s? I wonder what Wannabe MILF would say?

3. Everywhere (Fleetwood Mac Cover) —Vampire Weekend

I adore Vampire Weekend so much that I’m afraid to see what they look like. I’m picturing preppy/geeky/indie all rolled into one. If I had a boyfriend he would aspire to be more like them, and may even have a tribute band. He would be doing all of this on his own accord, of course, but my reaction to his foolishness would be nothing less than unadulterated love and encouragement. I’m just sayin’.

4. Electric Feel—MGMT

I don’t want to like MGMT, but sometimes I do. Sometimes. I like the same songs that the rest of the Indie world enjoys, and for some reason that makes me feel dirty. Their pop songs are so come-of-age-y and I imagine filthy little teenagers listening on repeat—thinking that they can relate. They can’t relate! How can a child with no real life experience relate to anything that anyone has to say? Again, I’m just sayin’.

5. No One Does It Like You—Department of Eagles

All you need to know about Department of Eagles has been captured in the New York Times: Daniel Rossen, who joined Grizzly Bear in 2004, has a pervious band, Department of Eagles, with a college roommate. He has revived the partnership for the album “In Ear Park.” It’s an elegy for his father and reminiscence of childhood in a swirl of memories and reveries, sparse acoustic moments and lavishly layered pop – gorgeous and suffused with mystery.

6. Sweet Disposition—The Temper Trap

This song makes my heart swell. It’s an evening song. A haunting song. It distills life down to a pure white powder that is then snorted and sent rushing through your bloodstream inspiring every cell to explode and break apart into periodical table elements so that it can reconnect to the rest of the universe and ultimately get sucked into the vacuum of space. Or maybe that’s the next song. Boy, this homemade smoothie is good.

a moment, a love
a dream, a laugh
a kiss, a cry
our rights, our wrongs
a moment, a love
a dream, a laugh
a moment, a love
a dream, a laugh

7. No One’s Gonna Love You—Band of Horses

Nope—this song is nothing like cocaine. (Actually song # 6 is more like heroin, which can also be snorted, but is most commonly injected—god I hope I don’t flunk the substance abuse section of my midterm on Monday.) What was I saying?

8. Do You Realize?—The Flaming Lips

Oh, now I remember! I was thinking that the Band of Horses song is actually more of a slap in the face than a complement. No one’s gonna love me more than him, huh. What a jerk! He should be saying that he could never love anyone more than me. Don’t be conned ladies (gentlemen). We can totally do better.

You thought I forgot about The Flaming Lips? Don’t be silly. It’s a good song. That’s all.

9. Burning Pile—Mother Mother

Crap! Crap! Crap! I can’t believe I have so much work to do! Last semester I lit one of my midterms on fire. It felt good. I wonder if Mother Mother did the same?

10. Nothing To Worry About—Peter Bjorn & John

Nothin’ to worry about should be my mantra, but it’s not because I’m typing a music blog instead of working on a case vignette describing “Mrs. Kim’s” suicidal ideation.

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